Colour Breathing – Relax Me Happy!

As part of a retreat I am running, I will be offering colour breathing. This isn’t colour therapy and while it took off about a decade ago, it’s become rather an unknown entity, however, it’s powers of relaxation are one of it’s best kept secrets. Based on the simple system of chakras, or if you prefer, energy centres, it is a therapy that balances and aligns using colour and breath – as the name suggests! It really is that simple, it does exactly what it says on the tin.Well, if it’s that simple, can I just stare at a colour and breathe? You may well ask – you can certainly try and the breathing alone may relax you, but this system goes a little deeper. Each chakra is related to emotion, emotions fire our thoughts and both make up our state of mind. Therefore, chakras can become clogged, unbalananced or blocked. Colour breathing uses discs coloured in a specific pattern to give the impression of a vortex and to draw the subconcious in and thus down into your inner most self. It promotes your ability to connect to yourself and the emotional unbalance and helps you release it with breathing in the colour and thinking about certain words – a bit like a mantra. If you want to know more, or experience it for yourself, you best book on the retreat and find out!